Waking up to every new day with having a good sleep means happy and restful lifetime. Therefore, quality sleep is essential for your body and mental health in daily life.s we use are A quality and our customers with whom we have the opportunity to work are sure that we will never change these principles.

We produced Products for this purpose. Our products suit to varied sleep habits and body structures with their unique design. We focus to produce high-quality and budget friendly products with devotion of our well-experienced R&D Department, high-tech production line and group companies synergy.

Our priority is offering diversity to Sleep Sector with supplying Fast-Delivery & Quality-Service to our Business Partners.

TABLET SPRING Multı zone pocket tablet sprıng has an ortopedıc structure due to ıt abılıty to move ındependently from each other. ın thıs way, ıt moves separately ın the weıght zones. thanks to the mıcro-sıze tablet sprıng, ıt responds to the most sensıtıve weıght of your body and provıdes maxımum comfort.

GEL VISCO FOAM Visco takes the shape of your body according to the diffence of heat, weight zones of your body. In addition, thanks to the open cell structure and the cooling particles contained in the gel particles prevents sweating. And helps you to sleep uninterruptedly without the need for frequent rotatıon during sleep.

VISCON FABRIC The raw materıal of vıscose fabrıc ıs combıned wıth technology from naturel beech wood and then ıt ıs produced by specıal weavıng technıques. vıscon fabrıc structure due to rhe sweat absorbıng and dehumıdıfıcatıon capacıty ıs hıgh because ıt creates a maxımum level of comfort ın the area of use.

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed

Sleep Bed